“Breast milk is the best food for the development of infants and young children”. That's right, Breast milk is an extremely valuable source of nutrition that nature has given us, so that as soon as your baby cries into the world, he can enjoy the most quintessential drops of milk to help him grow day by day. However, Many young mothers giving birth for the first time are still confused about how much milk to give their baby each time they breastfeed, How and when to feed is enough?

Thực tế, in the process of consulting on nutrition as well as newborn care for mothers, Many mothers still do not have knowledge about newborn care, so they make some basic mistakes in breastfeeding. Besides, there are many worrying questions, wonder like: “How much milk do you drink? 1 once is enough" or how to know if your baby is full?... Below is a summary of advice from nutrition experts that mothers need to know to take care of their children's healthy development.

Amount of milk for newborn bamboo

How much milk does a newborn drink a day??

Children from birth to 12 Months of age have nutritional needs divided into 4 stage.

Giai đoạn 1: Word birth 0 – 1 month old

This is the most important and sacred stage when mother and baby have just met each other after pregnancy. 9 month 10 ngày, Mom needs to pay close attention:

Especially in the first 72 hours after birth, The mother's body will secrete an extremely valuable amount of colostrum that will help the baby strengthen the immune system throughout 6 first month, Therefore, mothers need to make the most of this milk source.

During this time, your baby may also lose physiological weight, This is a very normal sign so mothers do not need to worry too much. Recommended feeding amount:

Months of age Amount of milk / Time Breastfeeding/Day Bedtime
1-2 first day 7 – 14ml 8 -12 time 18 -20 language
Day 5 3 onwards 30 – 35ml 8 -12 time 18 -20 language

Giai đoạn 2: children from 1 – 3 month old

At this stage, your baby's body is getting more used to everything, The baby's stomach is also larger, so mothers can gradually increase the amount of milk to suit the baby's developmental needs. Recommended feeding amount :

Months of age Amount of milk / Time Breastfeeding/Day Bedtime
Tháng 1 35 – 60ml 6 – 8 time 18 -20 language
Tháng 2 60 – 90ml 5 – 7 time 16 – 18 language
Tháng 3 60 – 120ml 5 – 6 time 14 – 15 language

Giai đoạn 3: children aged from 4 – 6 month old

Now, Your baby already knows how to react to people's actions, Baby laughs more and develops clearly in all aspects. Of course, At this time, the amount of milk and breastfeeding of the baby will also change according to that development. Recommended feeding amount:

Months of age Amount of milk / Time Breastfeeding/Day Bedtime
Tháng 4 90 – 120ml 5 – 6 time 13 – 14 language
Tháng 5 90 – 120ml 5 – 6 time 13 – 14 language
Tháng 6 120 – 180 ml 5 time 13 – 14 language

Note: end of the second month 5, the beginning of the second month 6 Now that the baby's stomach and digestive system are stronger enough, the mother can start to gradually let the baby get used to soft foods., (baby powder, fresh fruit…) Or add formula milk to help supplement the most complete nutrients.

Giai đoạn 4: Trẻ từ 7 -12 month old

This can be said to be the period that marks the baby's outstanding development, not just breast milk, Your baby has begun to eat more fruits and vegetables , baby food powder... That's why, Mothers need to pay close attention to the origin of food as well as how to prepare solid foods to avoid losing important nutrients..

If the mother supplements incorrectly or lacks nutrients, the baby's development will be slow , weight loss and some other pathological manifestations. Recommended feeding amount :

Months of age Amount of milk / Time Breastfeeding/Day Weaning meal Bedtime
7 180 – 220 ml 3 – 4 Time 1 – 2 MSG weaning meal, salty + Hoa quả tươi 13 -14 language
8 200 – 240ml 4 2 MSG weaning meal, salty + Hoa quả tươi 13 -14 language
9 240ml 4 2 MSG weaning meal, salty + Hoa quả tươi 12 – 13 language
10 240ml 4 3 MSG weaning meal, salty + Fresh fruit or yogurt 12 – 13 language
11 240ml 4 3 MSG weaning meal, salty + Fresh fruit or yogurt 12 – 13 language
12 240ml 4 3 MSG weaning meal, salty + Fresh fruit or yogurt 12 language

Signs to recognize when a baby is hungry and needs to be fed milk

When your baby shows the following signs, it means he or she is hungry and needs to be breastfed, Mothers need to be very careful to avoid letting the baby stay hungry for a long time because it will become dull and more difficult to comfort.

– Baby is uncomfortable, irritable and fussy

– Baby licks lips, open and close your mouth

– The baby buries his head in his mother's chest and moves his head

How to know if your baby has had enough milk

In the word phase 0 – 12 month milk is the main nutrient (main meal) of the baby, so mothers need to pay special attention to calculating the appropriate amount of milk. To know whether your baby is getting enough milk or not, mothers should pay attention to the following signs:

– Baby gains weight steadily

– The baby is not fussy or crying

– When the baby is full, it will release the mother's nipple or if it latches, it will not rub or suck the nipple

– Baby urinates regularly, average word change day 5-6 diaper times

In addition, mothers can refer Standard height and weight table for children of this age 0 – 12 month to know if your child has developed according to standards. If the child has reached the standard, then the mother has taken care of the child properly, On the contrary, if children are shorter or taller than this standard, mothers should adjust their diet, of your baby and a more moderate daily schedule.

In many cases, mothers do not have enough milk to breastfeed or lose milk completely, which is unfortunate. However, don't worry too much because today with modern technology you can completely find the product Formulated milk is equivalent and similar to breast milk. Because newborns' digestive systems are still weak, mothers should prioritize learning about milks with advanced technology such as biological milk., organic milk for children. After stage 12 Mothers can change to other milk products every month according to the child's nutritional needs.

Cool milk is most similar to breast milk

How do breastfed and formula-fed babies develop??

For breastfed babies:

Based on research and surveys of breastfed children, Pediatric nutrition experts concluded: Baby inside 3 The first month of growth and development is very fast, Therefore, babies need to ensure energy, complete vitamins and minerals. In 3 The next month, the baby begins to gain weight more slowly, so the amount of milk the baby needs does not increase too much. Therefore, even though breast milk does not come in more, the baby is still getting enough. Mothers can be completely assured that their children will fully enjoy the valuable nutrition from breast milk.

For babies who are both breastfed and formula fed.

When breast milk is not enough, If the mother has to go to work or for some reason cannot breastfeed her baby exclusively, the method of combining breastfeeding with formula milk is the most effective method today.. Khi đó, The amount of formula supplemented each time should be based on the amount of breast milk that is lacking. However, mothers should try to maintain breastfeeding at least 6 The first month of life ensures the best nutrition for your baby.

For babies who are exclusively formula fed:

In case the mother feeds her baby with formula, the overall nutrition is not as good as breast milk, so the baby will absorb it worse.. That's why, The amount of milk recommended by the World Health Organization WHO follows the manufacturer's instructions printed on the milk carton. In addition, mothers also need to equip themselves with more knowledge about the uses of each ingredient in formula milk to choose products that suit their baby's nutritional needs.. Below are some milk groups classified according to uses to suit the needs of each baby that mothers can refer to:

>> The surprising truth about breast milk for infants and children

>> Foreign milk helps children gain weight effectively

>> Goat milk is suitable for children with weak digestive systems and cow's milk allergies

>> Which milk is most effective for infants with constipation?